I’m stoned
On a boat
And I see at a table
On the other side
Of the boat
An old man talking
About some Thai dish
He had with Hungarian sauce
Chinese mustard
And a big ass fish
And after the talk
Michael Jackson started playing
And we both
Looked at each other
In the eyes
And we both started
To bounce our heads
To Michael Jackson
And we both kept
As we bounce
At the same time
Both high as a kite
On a boat
And it cracked me up
And I tried not to laugh
While the other guy
Was doing
The exact same thing
And then I saw
This other boat
Passing our boat
Where one guy
Looked exactly like
Jesse Pinkman
From Breaking Bad
And now I don’t even know
What to do on
This boat anymore
Because all I can
Think of
Is that Chinese mustard
From downtown Budapest
While this woman
Sings in boat space
About the greatest answer ever
{Utrecht, June 2023}